Here you can
see a very neat diagram (Erin's term of neat chemistry diagrams sure
educated her) of the battle with a scale of its epicness. Note the lack
of fish. Here is another diagram to aid in your comprehension:

No, I do not
know what it means. But compared to this diagram, the first one makes
a lot of sense. Note again the lack of fish.
Fish Allowed
This battle
is a 100% fish-free event. It's not that we don't like fish, it's just
that they don't belong here. They could be trod on, and make people
slip, or give people with a fish phobia a terrible shock.
there is no actual battle, the attack tactics are pretty limited. There
are a few still open to be tried:
1) Sit in a
swimming pool and wear a hat

this is just blatant use of this picture... But it's so wonderful! Feel
the random pool love! YAY!
2) Do a google
search for "Large knock knee knife wielding elephant" and
make it wear a hat.

You may use
any hat you wish. Like this different hat.

use a pine tree. If it looks like this, you cannot use it.

3) Turn off
your television, hide underneath your bed and prank call the nearest
taxi service in any language other than English, German, Lithuanian,
French, Russian or Latin using nothing but an elastic band and shoelace.
5) Make a website
about your arguement, beardyprovide most of the
content beardy is incredibly spiffy and place
subliminal beardy is cool messages supporting
your beardy arguement beardy is
far better. (You can only do this if your name is Erin)
Stemming from
a manic argument that has been raging ever since Erin and Mishki saw
Eurovision 2006, this site explores (in detail) the burning issue of
who from the highly spiffy LT United line-up is better-looking: Beardy
or Ponytail (known to saner people as Marijus Mikutavicius and Victor
Diawara). This is not to detract from the spiff of the rest of LT United
in any way. They’re all fantastic. Crafty plans to relocate them
to Australia are afoot. However it is in human nature to pick out favourites,
so the Beard vs Ponytail "debate" was born.
Though Erin is well and truly
Beardy-Biased, and Mishki has a strong Ponytail Preference, differences
have been put aside and collaboration has occurred. The literary mind
of Mishki, coupled with the artistic and computer dabblings of Erin's
(excuse for a) brain have slaved to produce this very piece of online
Of course, we are both cognisant
of the sad fact that for the majority of their lives Beardy and Ponytail
do not, in truth have a beard or a ponytail. Woe.
We hope that you enjoy this
site's content as much as we enjoyed making it.
P.S. Mishki says "Ponytail"
P.P.S.S. Erin flails and
says "Beard"