All About Beardy and Ponytail
An animated response to a comment from Beardy.
This site in Lithuanian media - articles, and comments from Beardy and
Ponytail themselves!
Boat and other things of LT United
Look! It's a boat!
A list of places you should go.
Tributes : Erin's always got music
in her head, and enjoys composition despite a complete lack of musical
training or knowledge. Click
on the following titles and your internet browser should play them:
you can also right click "save as" to keep them on your computer.
Are The Winners vs Nas Ne Dogonyat* (Mp3 format) Our
friends have a tradition of re-writing people's favourite songs for
their birthdays. This year Mishki and our friend Ben had a joint birthday
party, and I thought it would be nice to mix the two songs we sang for
them together. Unfortunately, "Nas Ne Dogonyat" by TATU and
"We Are The Winners" by LT united were in different keys,
with different timing and altogether incompatible instrumentation. It
would be insane to combine the two. But that has never stopped Erin
primarily a visual thinker, she often creates theme tunes to suit various
spiffy people.
(MIDI format) -This took less than a minute to imagine,
and over two days to actually write out. Erin is very happy with it,
as it is music in the style of the way she thinks, and attributes its
spiff to the wonderment of the man it was based on (Beardy!Love). Ten
points to whoever can guess the time signature!
(MIDI format) -
Composed 'caus this is Beard vs Ponytail and Erin can't be biased and
just do one... And Ponytail is spiffy too. *nods*
If you have any musical contributions,
and want them put up here too, email :D
* Disclaimer: I
don't own either of the componant songs in this horrible mash-up and
strongly urge you to buy them and enjoy them seperately and to their
full potential. I'm making absolutely NO profit by their being murdered
and presented in the dismembered format. I apologize to anyone with
any musical sense.