in, classsssss” said an immensely fat woman in a dressing gown.
They all filed into the room, and she shut the door behind them. Ponytail
was faintly disturbed to see that she also locked it.
“Welcome to the Tuesday evening classsss for burlesque organ playing,”
she began.
“Hey, wait – this isn’t Watercolours 101?” called
out Ponytail. The fat woman glared at him.
“There’s always one, isn’t there?” she snapped.
“C’mon, let’s go,” Ponytail muttered to Beardy.
“Wait a moment…”
said Beardy.
“Now, while I understand that you may have intended to learn to
paint,” began Lady McFat, “The fact of the mater is that
YOUR CIVIC DUTY, COMRADES!” she bellowed, tearing off the dressing
gown to reveal a Red Army uniform beneath.
“Shit! Run!”
yelled Ponytail, and vaulted over several middle-aged women to reach
the door. When he got there, he turned around to look for Beardy, who
was still in his seat.
“What are you waiting for?” Ponytail shouted at him.
“Well, I’ve always rather wanted to learn to play the organ…”
said Beardy.
“Well, f*ck this shit,” said Ponytail. He kicked down the
door and sprinted along the corridor, then unexpectedly fell over a
Just before he hit the ground,
he woke up. After staring at the ceiling for a few moments, sentience
came flooding back. He’d been at Beardy’s house, Beardy
had produced some Absinthe from his overlarge pocket, and it had all
been downhill from there. The last thing he remembered was collapsing
on Beardy’s couch… Ponytail heaved a sigh of relief. It
had all been a horrible dream.
Then, through the darkness, from the direction of Beardy’s bedroom,
there drifted the terrible, terrible sound of the burlesque organ…