After the lesson,
Beardy woke Ponytail up, and they ran screaming from the room, for no
particular reason. Ponytail then threw buckets of water at Beardy until
he stopped referring to Ponytail as “Mama Vee.”
After that, they let Mishki out of the cupboard and returned her possessions,
then caught a plane back to Lithuania. It wasn't until they were flying
over Belarus that Ponytail realised that it was slightly odd that Mishki
had never attempted to capture him, put him in a cage and make him perform
Gregorian chant for her. He commissioned Fat Bald Dancing Man With Glasses
to investigate (Fat Bald Dancing Man With Glasses was paid nine postage
stamps and a new pair of pants). A week later, they discovered that
Mishki had been kidnapped by the Moldavian2 entry
and replaced by an automaton. Erin should have known; the real Mishki
would never have got herself in for this shit.
If you saw the hat, you’d understand just what gratuitous fan-service
this is.
They didn’t appreciate her public statement that the only real
(see footnote 3) word in their song that rhymed
with anything else was “choko,” and that’s a vegetable.
Nor did they like her comment that if you’re going to get changed
that many times on stage into increasingly non-existent outfits, you
may as well just take all your clothes off and give people a damn good
reason to change the channel for the next three minutes.
The author is opposed to the international recognition of Spanish as
a real language, and feels it’s pretty cheap to mix rhymes between
languages. Except when LT United do it. That’s fine.