I think this
is to the effect that we pay little attention to the real background/facts
of the musicians, and that the essence of our works are creative. It
also mentions the mediums (explaining the concept of fanfiction, methinks,
as well as mentioning poetry and drawings/paintings), and finishes off
by emphasising that in the fanfictions the characters are given completely
strange motivations and situations.
For example, read this courageous
fanfic about Marijonas and Vee.
„Viena diena Barzdocius
parke rado fleita. Jam neišejo ja pagroti, taigi,
One day, Beardy found a flute in a park. He tried to play it, but couldn’t,
nuejes pas Uodeguotaji, trenke šiam instrumentu per galva.
so he went to Ponytail and hit him over the head with it.
Uodeguotajam tai visiškai nepatiko, todel jis išpleše
This did not please Ponytail, so he took the flute off Beardy
iš nagu fleita ir trenke atgal. Tuoj pat kilo susiremimas, kuris
and hit him back. This led to a brief struggle, which ended when
baigesi fleitos, istrigusios tarp Barzdotojo kelio ir Uodeguotojo
the flute broke after being crushed between Beardy’s knee and
alkunes, suluimu. Tai nuvyle juos abu, taigi kova liovesi.
elbow. This disappointed them both, so they stopped fighting.
Akimirka draugai vilgtelejo vienas i kita, tuomet Barzdotasis
They looked at one another for a moment, then Beardy
pradejo verkti. Paguodes ji Uodeguotasis suinojo,
broke into tears. Ponytail consoled him,
kad anksciau ta ryta mire Barzdotojo augintinis ocelotas
and discovered that Beardy’s pet ocelot had died that morning,
(katinui giminingas plešrunas). Tuomet jie vienas kita labai
which is why he took his flutely failure so hard. Then
gerai suprato ir susitare karta per savaite sykiu eiti limonado.“
they understood one another on a profound level, and agreed to meet
once a week for lemonade.
Oh dear… This one is a bit of a jumble. Something about using
our imagination to produce a lot of work on the internet? Maybe? Umm…
Something like “Impossibly,
this website also has excellent fanart portraits of Beardy and Ponytail
in many techniques from accurate, time-consuming portraits to adventurous
anime style.” ( : - D *feels loved*)
O.o something to do with
the fruits of our labours and imaginations, dreams, and (no kidding,
no mistake) the sentence ends with “with road signs”.
The girl’s hearts are
in their creativity, through boldness and literature. (some reference
to time, a final reference to the singers) But you don’t have
to take this site’s word for it, you can see the site for yourself.
- - - - -
A little unimpressed? Well,
here is my raw translation, you can draw your own conclusions (and wince
at my complete ineptitude... This took me two hours!). The original
Lithuanian is bolded, and question marks mean I couldn't find the word,
or that I had to try to guess the grammatical change that occured to
a word and may be completely wrong.
Ne veltui
vienas jau ištisa aminybe vadinamas svajoniu jaunikiu,
No useless (action?) already ???, lasting(?) name dream
o kitas
paaukojo šilta guta vardan tautieciu muzikinio skonio lavinimo…
and/but ?? ??? cordial/warm ?? name nationality musician taste development…
Mikutaviciaus ir Viktoro Diawaros šlove
Marijonas Mikucavicius and Viktor Diawara ???
iki pat Australijos, ir mes turime irodymu.
?? until themselves(?) Australians, and we own/obliged prove.
Dvi aštuoniolikmetes
studentes iš Australijos Erin ir Mishki savo
Two eighteen years(?) students from Australia, Erin and Mishki our
neoficialiame” tinklalapyje, kuri kuriant nesueistas ne
“always/all ??” internet(?), which/what ??? misunderstanding
vienas moliugas,
sakosi Marijona ir Viktora išvydusios tik šiais metais,
one clay(!?), say Marijonus and Viktor to imagine only ?? throw(??)
per salygini
lietuvaiciu triumfa “Eurovizijoje”.
Through term? Lithuanian triumph “Eurovision”
neneigia, kad visi “LT United” vyriokai – savotiškai
karšti, bet štai
Young ladies ???, that/if all “LT United” ?? – our)??
Feaver/heat, but ??
Erinai labiausiai
patiko Marijonas, pramintas Beardy, arba Barzdociumi,
Erin more/most ?? Marijonas, ??? Beardy, or [Lithuanian for Beardy]
o Mishki
– Viktoras, del savo šukuosenos vadinamas Ponytail, arba
And Mishki, Viktor, because my/our comb(hairstyle?) called Ponytail
or [Lithuainian for Ponytail]
del savo svajoniu objektu paneles galutinai išprotejo ir
?? through/because of my/our/her/their dream? Object? Young ladies ??
??? our/their
fanu tinklalapi, dedikuota “epiniam mušiui”.
??? Fan internet page dedicated(?) “?? Musicians”
muzikiniu fonu papuoštoje svetaineje australes dainininku garbei
??? Musicians background parrot(!?) foreign Austrlian singers ?? essence/main
kurti eilerašcius,
tapyti paveikslus, reisuoti filmukus ir netgi rašyti
create poetry/verse, paint picture/work, ??? Film and ?? writing
“fanfiction”, aiškinama kaip literatura, kuria pasinaud
called “Fanfiction”, explination how ???, which? ???
odami filmu,
knygu, muzikos ir pan aplinka bei veikejais rašo tu
?? Film, book(?), music and ?? around(?) ?? ?? writing(?) you
ar konkreciu asmenu gerbejai. “Fanfiction” kartais interpretuojami
?? whether ?? conjugate(?) ?? “Fanfiction” sometimes interpreting???
jausmai ir motyvai, kartais bandoma gan radikaliai
(personality?) feeling and (motivation?), sometimes ?? ??? ???
ikvepimo šaltini, bendrai tariant, tai itin laisva kuryba.
Changing ?? source, anyway ??, this/that ?? free ??.
akiplešiškai drasaus “Fanfic” apie Marijona ir
Vee teksto pavyzdys:
?? ?? coregeous “fanfic” about Marijonus and Vee trksto
diena Barzdocius parke rado fleita. Jam neišejo ja pagroti, taigi,
One day, Beardy found a flute in a park. He tried to play it, but couldn’t,
nuejes pas Uodeguotaji, trenke šiam instrumentu per galva.
so he went to Ponytail and hit him over the head with it.
Uodeguotajam tai visiškai nepatiko, todel jis išpleše
This did not please Ponytail, so he took the flute off Beardy
iš nagu fleita ir trenke atgal. Tuoj pat kilo susiremimas,
and hit him back. This led to a brief struggle, which ended when
baigesi fleitos, istrigusios tarp Barzdotojo kelio ir Uodeguotojo
the flute broke after being crushed between Beardy’s knee and
alkunes, suluimu. Tai nuvyle juos abu, taigi kova liovesi.
elbow. This disappointed them both, so they stopped fighting.
Akimirka draugai vilgtelejo vienas i kita, tuomet Barzdotasis
They looked at one another for a moment, then Beardy
pradejo verkti. Paguodes ji Uodeguotasis suinojo,
broke into tears. Ponytail consoled him,
kad anksciau ta ryta mire Barzdotojo augintinis ocelotas
and discovered that Beardy’s pet ocelot had died that morning,
(katinui giminingas plešrunas). Tuomet jie vienas kita
which is why he took his flutely failure so hard. Then
gerai suprato ir susitare karta per savaite sykiu eiti limonado.“
they understood one another on a profound level, and agreed to meet
once a week for lemonade.
Piešta merginu fanatizmo išraiška – dar
nenuspejamesne ir ivairesne.
Drawing/art girl fantasy/imaginary ?? – still/yet ?? and ???.
norintis gali parsisiusti Marijona ir Viktora vaizduojanciu ikonu
Change(??) would like(??) maybe? Marijonas and Vee imaginary(?) icon(?)
forumams ir kitoms interneto pinklems, be to, papuošti savo
bad(????), ?? and ?? internet sites, without ??, decoration (?) my/your/his
imantriai suklijuotais koliaais su lietuvaiciu fizionomijomis.
Working ?? ?? ??? with Lithuanian(?) ???
Negana to,
tinklapyje puikuojasi ir atskiras “Fanart” skyrius, kuriame
Impossible? ??, webpage fantastic/excellent and “fanart”
??, ??
ivairia technika ir stiliais nupiešti Uodeguotojo ir Barzdociaus
?? ?? technique and ?? ?? Ponytail and Beardy
Yra ir paprasciausiu pieštuku nukeverzotu atvaizdu, ir kruopšciai
portraits. Is and ?? artwork ??? representations, and laborious/accurate/careful
išlaiytu anime stiliaus nuotykiu.
Photoshop ??? anime (style?) adventurous?
merginu fantazijos vaisiuose dainuoja, svajingai iuri, kovoja
Heroes girls imagination fruits of labour song(singers?), dream of(??)
(watch?), ?? they…
veikia su kelio enklais.
someone(?) ?? with road signs.
Tiesa, vaikštant
po puslapi kartais neaišku, ar mergišciu sielos išties
Right(?), ?? about/on/under joke(???) sometimes ??, they girls soal/heart
o stogai – tokie “nuvaiave”,
artistic, but roof(??) - ?? “creative(??)”,
kaip atrodo
skaitant literaturinius šedevriukus bei grointis drasiais
how looks like ?? literature ??? ?? ?? boldness?
potepiais, bet… Negi verta gaišti laika norint tik pasijuokti?
?? ??, but… ?? value(?) ?? time(?) ?? merely ???
Su irodymais,
kaip labai galima išproteti del dainininku, g
With evidence, how very possibly/approximate ?? because of singers,
alite susipainti
?? make aquiantance of site