
Hoorah for wonderful 100x100 pixle icons! Use them on your journal, or in your forum. Print them off and wrap them around your gluesticks. See if they make a good lure for fly fishing, or use them to wrap around some tobacco. They're good for almost anything (except major architectural structures). Many thanks go to the wonderful people at for the beautiful base images for many of these: thankyou so much !

For those who like to get straight to the point, you can jump to:

Beardy (aka Marijonas Mikutavicius)

Ponytail (aka Victor "Vee" Diawara)

Beard + Ponytail

LT United group shots


Beardy (aka Marijonas Mikutavicius)
His icons go before Ponytail's because I made them all and I'm allowed to be a bit biased. Humph.

Ponytail (aka Victor "Vee" Diawara)
Ooh look, more icons. Hoorah!


Beard + Ponytail
Whoohoo, both at once. What more could you want?

LT United group shots
Because they're all just that spiffy. Hooray!

All the above were made by Erin, please credit this site for their use (or call a fish Herman).